Without Losing Plugin Settings, How Can Migrate The Website?

By following some steps you can successfully migrate your website and that is without losing the plugin settings

1. First go to the others tab and click on export settings. A CSV file will be downloaded that has all the plugin settings that you set up. You can keep the file for future use if you accidentally reset the plugin settings.

2. deactivate the license key from your previous website and activate it for the new website by following the documentation https://coderockz.com/documentations/deactivate-the-license-key-from-dev-website/

3. Go to your new website and then the others tab. From Import Settings, choose the CSV file that you back up from your previous website and click on import settings. After importing, refresh the page again to see the settings that you set up for your previous website. All the settings are replicated on your new website after that.

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Updated on December 16, 2020