WooCommerce Advanced Cash On Delivery
Extends WooCommerce Cash on Delivery(COD) payment gateway by hiding COD, adding extra fees, and taking advance fees for certain conditions.
Hide Cash on Delivery(COD)
This plugin helps you to enable or disable the Cash on Delivery option to the customers. Based on customer inputs, the plugin searches a condition to match and shows whether the customer is eligible for Cash on Delivery or not.
You can make a condition for hiding Cash on Delivery by one or multiple following criteria combined
=> Cart amount=> Discount coupon
=> Customer email
=> Customer phone
=> Customer user role
=> Product categories
=> Individual product
=> Product SKU
=> Virtual and downloadable products
=> Backorder products
=> Product stock
=> Product quantity
=> Product weight
=> Customer's selected shipping method
=> Customer's shipping zone/country/state/postcode
=> Shipping Classes

Extra Fee for Cash on Delivery(COD)
WooCommerce doesn't allow any extra fee for the Cash on Delivery payment method. But most of the WooCommerce shop owners want to put an extra fee for Cash on Delivery on certain conditions. This is very important and our plugin can cover the above scenario. You can make as many as conditions to put an extra fee for Cash on Delivery so you can increase your revenue and average order value. You can set the extra fee as a fixed price or a percentage of the customer’s cart amount.
You can make a condition for the extra fee by one or multiple following criteria combined
=> Cart amount=> Discount coupon
=> Customer email
=> Customer phone
=> Customer user role
=> Product categories
=> Individual product
=> Product SKU
=> Virtual and downloadable products
=> Backorder products
=> Product stock
=> Product quantity
=> Product weight
=> Customer's selected shipping method
=> Customer's shipping zone/country/state/postcode
=> Shipping Classes
Advance Fee for Cash on Delivery(COD)
This feature helps to prevent fake Cash on delivery (COD) orders from bad customers, by putting an advance payment for Cash on delivery (COD) which needs to pay via another payment method to approve the order. You can make as many as conditions to put the advance fee for Cash on Delivery. You can set the advance fee as a fixed price or a percentage of the customer’s cart amount. Also, you can restrict the other payment method for the advance fee.
You can make a condition for the extra fee by one or multiple following criteria combined
=> Cart amount=> Discount coupon
=> Customer email
=> Customer phone
=> Customer user role
=> Product categories
=> Individual product
=> Product SKU
=> Virtual and downloadable products
=> Backorder products
=> Product stock
=> Product quantity
=> Product weight
=> Customer's selected shipping method
=> Customer's shipping zone/country/state/postcode
=> Shipping Classes

Availability of COD Notice On the Product Page
You can show a message on the single product page which product is eligible for Cash on Delivery and which one isn't. Also showing necessary information to know how to get Cash on Delivery payment method on the checkout page incase the product is not eligible for Cash on Delivery but you still get an overall Cash on Delivery for your order.
Every Text is Translatable
Has a different language website? No worries, our plugin has options to translate every text of the plugin. Just change the text as you want and boom your whole website has no messy text with different languages.

Compatible with WooCommerce HPOS
Recently WooCommerce has introduced the new dedicated tables for orders known as High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS) and you are glad to know that our plugin is fully compatible with this new WooCommerce HPOS.Some Awesome Features
Here is some of the top features of WooCommerce Advanced Cash on Delivery.
Hide Cash on Delivery(COD)
Extra Fee for Cash on Delivery(COD)
Advance Fee for Cash on Delivery(COD)
Availability of COD Notice On the Product Page
Every Text is Translatable
Showing breakdown of Advance fee on WooCommerce orders page in a new column
Showing breakdown of Advance fee and extra fee on WooCommerce single order page
Only customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.
1 reviews for WooCommerce Advanced Cash On Delivery
Rachna Trivedi (verified owner) - October 8, 2023
A really good plugin with a great support,
You must log in and be a buyer of this download to submit a review.

- Fixed: PHP Deprecated: mb_convert_encoding() issue is fixed.
- Fixed: Error is showing on the new page/post page.
- Fixed: Several bugs are fixed.
- Added: Make the plugin compatible with Woocommerce HPOS.
- Fixed: Order total is not showing correctly when there is any tax.
- Fixed: Modify the functionality of restricting order greater than and less than.
Username: francis
Password: @12345@coderockz@
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